The EU CAP Network’s governance structure includes two Subgroups that align with the previous European Rural Networks arrangements as well as one new Subgroup which is dedicated to accompanying Member States during the implementation of CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs). DG AGRI highlighted this point at the start of the CSP Subgroup meeting in Brussels last month.

The CSP Subgroup’s mandate centres on improving the quality of the implementation of the CSPs throughout the programming period, which is already at a stage involving CSP amendments. In this context, Subgroup members heard about the importance of maintaining or reinforcing the CSPs’ originally agreed ambitions during all amendment processes. 

Other aspects of the Subgroup remit were confirmed at its launch and these include identifying common issues or opportunities for CSP interventions as well as addressing needs for support from the EU CAP network (such as capacity building events). The Subgroup will also be able to help foster exchange of knowledge and good practices in CSP implementation. 

Group picture of the CSP Subgroup participants

Reflecting clear aims and commitments from DG AGRI for the Subgroup to be a member-led expert group, this first meeting allocated much of its time to consulting members about their opinions on what is most needed and how needs can be best met. More details will be published in the meeting’s Highlights Report. A sample of key topics noted by the CSP experts included taking advantage of the potential of networking to help share and learn from peer experiences.

Examples here spotlighted by the Subgroup featured more exchanges on eco-schemes and how countries can gain from coordinating complementarity across the CAP’s green architecture opportunities. Among other key needs listed by the Subgroup were generational renewal, knowledge development and exchange, maintaining a comprehensive overview of the CAP, the CAP’s future post 2027, CSP linkages with other policies, sustainable development contributions from CSPs, and managing authority capacity building in CSP systems. Well-targeted, timely communication tailored to a good understanding of different stakeholders’ needs and expectations was seen as a cross-cutting success factor. EU and National Network activity can be instrumental for helping this happen in practice.

See the Subgroup meeting’s event page for more information and the presentations overviewing: CSP key elements and implementation; EU CAP Network Activities; and EU CAP Network Governance.