We’ve designed this space to make it easier for you to find relevant information about LEADER/CLLD. Click on the links and icons below to learn about the policy framework for the LEADER programme (including a bit of history), the EU CAP Network’s activities in support of LEADER (networking, knowledge gathering and sharing), and to find news and events about LEADER.
You can also learn about inspiring LEADER projects across the EU and read more in our publications. The buttons below take you to the global overview of LEADER-related resources, which you can further refine using the filters on each page.
This space is being continuously updated with the latest information, initiatives and policy developments. We invite you to visit this page regularly to learn more.
If you have any questions, suggestions or content to share, please contact us at leader@eucapnetwork.eu.

LEADER Explained
Discover about the origins of the LEADER approach and its key characteristics.
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LEADER Transnational Cooperation (TNC)
Find out all the tools developed by the EU CAP Network to support your TNC experience.
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LEADER LAG Directory
Connect with LEADER Local Action Groups across Europe from the 2023-2027 programming period.
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Find other relevant information on LEADER
Good Practice database
Get inspired by projects and initiatives that use the LEADER approach to make rural areas and communities more sustainable, connected, and resilient.
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Projects brochures, articles and other EU CAP Network publications about LEADER.
Learn moreLEADER Legislation
Find all the EU legislation applicable to LEADER/CLLD gathered in one place.
Learn moreLEADER Tools
Access a range of tools that help LEADER stakeholders to get to know each other, exchange, collaborate and evaluate their LEADER performance.
Learn moreLatest LEADER news

Smart Rural 27: outcomes and recommendations
The final report of the Smart Rural 27 project clearly underlines the importance of LEADER as the main tool to implement Smart Villages in many Member States.
- CAP Implementation

ARIA 2024 prize winners showcase LEADER’s inspirational value
LEADER co-financed ten out of the 24 finalists of ARIA 2024 across all the award categories, including some of the winners, thus showing its potential to support a wide range of CAP objectives.
- CAP Implementation

Demonstrating LEADER’s added value: new assessment tool in Luxembourg
A new simple tool co-designed by the Managing Authority and Local Action Groups in Luxembourg demonstrates the added value LEADER can produce.
- CAP Implementation