Catalogue of CAP Interventions

The Catalogue of CAP Interventions provides centralised access to all interventions extracted from Member States’s CAP Strategic Plans in English and their original language. It helps policymakers and researchers consult any intervention and their design, export selected data and perform quantitative analysis. It is an indispensable tool for analysing, monitoring and evaluating the CAP.
The database underpinning the online catalogue is continuously updated and provides real-time data from the latest approved versions of CAP Strategic Plans. All amendments to CAP Strategic Plans are reflected in the database after official adoption.
The main features of the Catalogue of CAP Interventions include a set of filters to select, such as ‘Intervention Type’, ‘Member State’, ‘Result Indicator’, Output Indicators’ and ‘Specific Objectives’.
Selected interventions are displayed in an exportable results table with their financial allocation and planned output information. The description of the specific design is also accessible upon the selection of a single intervention.
The catalogue also features data on planned unit amounts and labels for agri-environmental and animal welfare farm practices supported by interventions.
Accessing the catalogue
- Search by intervention type.
- Filter by target beneficiary (e.g. farmers, cooperatives, rural communities etc.).
- View detailed descriptions, eligibility criteria and intervention design.
- Consult planned unit amount data and agro-environmental and animal welfare farm practice.
Why explore the catalogue?
- Stay informed of the latest CAP intervention designs.
- Plan ahead and use information for strategic planning and application processes.
- Enhance sustainability and discover interventions that align with sustainable farming practices and rural development goals.
- Monitor and evaluate CAP Strategic Plans.