Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards

The Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA) recognise outstanding projects that highlight innovation, sustainability and inclusivity within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) framework.

The Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA) is an annual competition organised by the EU CAP Network to recognise inspiring and forward-thinking projects that are shaping the future of rural Europe, supported by funding from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

National Networks face the challenging but essential task of selecting and submitting good practice projects from their respective Member States.

Every year, more than 100 applications are received, and once evaluated, 24 inspiring projects are shortlisted to compete for an award in one of the thematic categories related to the main objectives of the CAP. Additionally, the Popular Vote Award allows stakeholders to vote for their favourite project.

The competition was originally launched in 2019 as the Rural Inspiration Awards (RIA) by the European Network for Rural Development. Since then, it has become a significant annual event for all our stakeholders and, from 2023 onwards, evolved into ARIA, now organised by the EU CAP Network.

For more information on how to submit applications for ARIA, please contact your National Network.

Find out more about all ARIA editions and be inspired by the finalists and their stories below.


People on stage during the ceremony

ARIA 2025

Discover the new edition of ARIA.

More information will follow soon.

Picture from the ARIA Awards Ceremony

ARIA 2024

In 2024, ARIA focused on empowering young people.

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ARIA ceremony group picture

ARIA 2023

In 2023, ARIA focused on skills for agriculture and rural areas through lifelong learning, innovation and competitiveness.

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People on stage during an event

ARIA nominees

Meet nominees from ARIA over the years.

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Group Picture of the 4th NN Meeting

All shortlisted projects

Browse among the finalists and winners of all the ARIA and RIA competitions.

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ARIA gallery