Good Practice Workshops are meetings open to evaluation stakeholders to exchange experiences on specified topics, to provide a forum for discussion of good practices and lessons learned, and to identify and assess approaches to improve evaluation practice.
- Increase the evaluation knowledge of stakeholders involved in CAP evaluations
- Exchange practical experiences from past and current evaluations at the regional, national and EU level
- Provide an opportunity for networking and identifying needs for further support for Managing Authorities, evaluators and CAP networks
In the following sections, you can find more about the upcoming and past Good Practice Workshops, their topics, agendas, and presentations on practical cases of how the Member States have evaluated the Common Agricultural Policy.

Exploring the potential of simulation models for assessing the CAP
Simulation models are quantitative tools used to represent complex systems and predict their behaviour under different scenarios. In agriculture, their main purpose is to analyse the effects of parameter changes on outcomes.
On the 3 - 4 April 2025, in Bari, Italy, participants at the Good Practice Workshop will exchange practical experiences from the use of simulation models in the context of CAP evaluations.
Previous Good Practice Workshops
- Designing good evaluation plans for the new CAP
- How to assess direct payment interventions in the new CAP
- How to assess AKIS based on lessons learned from 2014-2022
- New tools for monitoring and evaluation: insights from the Evaluation Knowledge Bank
- A journey through evaluation plans: Learning from past experiences for the future CAP
- Improving data management and information systems for the purpose of CAP evaluation
- Assessing the contribution of RDPs to a competitive and viable agricultural sector
- Assessment of resource efficiency and climate
- Data management for the assessment of RDP effects
- How to demonstrate RDP achievements and impacts: lessons learned from the evaluations reported in the AIR 2019
- Appraising the intervention strategies under the CAP: experiences and outlook
- Getting prepared for the ex-ante evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plan
- Approaches to assess environmental RDP impacts in 2019
- Approaches to assess socio-economic and sector related RDP impacts in 2019
- Showing the added value of LEADER/CLLD through evaluation
- National Rural Networks’ support to the evaluation of RDPs
- How to report on evaluation in the Annual Implementation Reports: experiences and outlook
- Targeted data management for evidence based evaluation of Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020
- Methods for assessing impacts of Rural Development Programmes 2007-13: Practices and solutions for the ex post evaluation
- Preparing the assessment of High Nature Value Farming in Rural Development Programmes 2014-20: Practices and solutions
- Assessing Environmental Effect of Rural Development Programmes: Practical solutions for the ex post evaluation 2007-2013