The European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability (EIP-AGRI) aims to stimulate innovation and improve the exchange of knowledge for agriculture, forestry, and rural areas.
EIP-AGRI projects are projects from across Europe that boost innovation and knowledge exchange. They are based on an ‘interactive innovation’ model, bringing together project partners to turn practical problems and creative ideas into innovative solutions. Co-creating solutions stimulates collaboration, knowledge exchange, and effective dissemination and take-up of knowledge and results.
The interactive innovation approach is used both in EIP-AGRI Operational Group projects, which are supported under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and in multi-actor projects (including thematic and advisory networks) funded under EU Research and Innovation Programmes (Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe). While Operational Groups are implemented by EU countries, Horizon projects work on a transnational level.
The EIP-AGRI project database can be freely searched for Horizon projects and for Operational Groups from across Europe.
Practice abstracts from EIP-AGRI projects
EIP-AGRI Operational Groups and Horizon Europe projects are expected to share their knowledge and innovative solutions in the form of ‘practice abstracts’, using the ‘EIP-AGRI common format’. You can find all details and necessary documents to upload your practice abstracts on the dedicated webpage.
Types of projects
Research and innovation projects
The research and innovation programme Horizon Europe (and formerly Horizon 2020) contributes to sustainable agriculture, forestry and rural areas by supporting the research and innovation that is needed for their modernisation.
Horizon specifically provides funding opportunities for multi-actor projects, which involve the people who will benefit from the project results from the very start. Horizon Europe also supports activities that help speed up knowledge exchange and innovation in practice through specific types of multi-actor projects, namely thematic networks and advisory networks.
Operational Group projects
EIP-AGRI Operational Group projects (OG) are groups of people with complementary knowledge who co-create practical solutions for agriculture, forestry and rural communities in an innovation project. Operational Groups can include farmers, researchers, advisors, businesses, environmental groups, consumer interest groups or other NGOs.
The current Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for 2023-2027 provides opportunities for preparing and implementing Operational Group projects via national CAP Strategic Plans. In the period 2014-2022, Operational Groups were funded through Rural Development Programmes (RDP).
More than 3 700 EIP-AGRI Operational Groups have been established since 2014, and over 6 600 projects are planned for the period 2023-2027.
Other innovative projects
In addition to EIP-AGRI Operational Groups and research and innovation projects, the EIP-AGRI project database also features innovative projects from Rural Development Programmes (2014-2020 and 2007-2013), and projects with other EU and rural development funding. If you would like to add a project in this category, please contact us at innovation-knowledge@eucapnetwork.eu.
EIP-AGRI project database privacy statement
EIP-AGRI project database privacy statement
(PDF – 489.49 KB)