ARIA2024: on-stage and backstage
The emotions of the Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards - ARIA 2024 continue with a new publication, exclusive backstage interviews with the winners and... even more.
- CAP Implementation

News Highlights

Growing green through winter: the success of Austria's organic vegetable initiative
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI

Young farmers, what are the challenges to accessing the farming sector? Have your say!
Young farmers are invited to answer a survey as a part of a study on generational renewal in agriculture. You can participate until 31 March!
- Evaluation

Great projects, easier to find
Our good practice database is now easier to browse: easily find information on CAP implementation, examples of policy design and delivery mechanisms, and plenty of inspiring stories from the field.
- CAP Implementation
Latest news
A new Thematic Report for the assessment of sectoral support
Researchers, evaluators and experts from Managing Authorities explored effective approaches in a dedicated Thematic Working Group.
- Evaluation

Highlighting good practices in Poland and Lithuania
Some National Networks turn the collection and dissemination of CAP-funded projects into a celebration, organising or supporting good practice competitions. Episode 1: focus on Poland and Lithuania.
- CAP Implementation

Smart Rural 27: outcomes and recommendations
The final report of the Smart Rural 27 project clearly underlines the importance of LEADER as the main tool to implement Smart Villages in many Member States.
- CAP Implementation

ARIA 2024 prize winners showcase LEADER’s inspirational value
LEADER co-financed ten out of the 24 finalists of ARIA 2024 across all the award categories, including some of the winners, thus showing its potential to support a wide range of CAP objectives.
- CAP Implementation

Demonstrating LEADER’s added value: new assessment tool in Luxembourg
A new simple tool co-designed by the Managing Authority and Local Action Groups in Luxembourg demonstrates the added value LEADER can produce.
- CAP Implementation

New LEADER calls: the state of the art in Austria, Italy and Lithuania
Managing Authorities and National Networks in Austria, Italy and Lithuania share their views on the selection process of Local Development Strategies, expectations and good examples.
- CAP Implementation