The AWP enables interested individuals and stakeholders to get insights about ongoing projects and gain a deeper understanding of the plans for the current year (July to July).
It includes valuable information regarding our governance bodies, our thematic work, our editorial offer and upcoming events. The AWP also includes all the details for being an active part of the network.
We invite you to browse through our Annual Work Programme for 2024-2025 to discover how the European CAP Network is advancing sustainable agriculture and rural development within the EU.

Assembly, Steering Group, and permanent subgroups
The EU CAP Network governance is based on an Assembly and a Steering Group.
Three Subgroups of the Assembly will focus on thematic work with CAP stakeholders and EU Member States’ administrations regarding CAP Strategic Plans Implementation, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange, and LEADER and territorial development.
EU CAP Network’s Steering Group - 4th Meeting
- CAP Implementation
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
- Evaluation
Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE) - 9th meeting
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI

CAP General Objectives

- Objective 1: to foster a smart, competitive, resilient and diversified agricultural sector ensuring long-term food security
- Objective 2: to support and strengthen environmental protection, including biodiversity, and climate action and to contribute to achieving the environmental and climate-related objectives of the Union, including its commitments under the Paris Agreement
- Objective 3: to strengthen the socio-economic fabric of rural areas
Activities related to General Objective 1

Focus on Implementation Focus on Innovation Focus on Evaluation Thematic Work - Vulnerability of Farming (TG)
- Production of protein crops under climate change (FG)
- Alternative solutions for livestock product differentiation (FG)
- Assessment of sectoral support (TWG 6)
- Assessment of CAP contributions to sustainable productivity (TWG 8)
- Assessment of farmers position in the food chain (TWG 11)
Events - 4th meeting of the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain
- Workshop on ‘Innovation in logistics and position of farmers in a supply chain’
- Seminar on ‘Robotics and Artificial intelligence in farming and forestry’
Publications/Web content - Policy Insights articles
- Good Practice Examples
- Guidelines and learning portal on assessment of CAP income support interventions
Activities related to General Objective 2

Focus on Implementation Focus on Innovation Focus on Evaluation Thematic Work - Enhancing Biodiversity on Farmland for Improved Resilience (TG)
- Local perennial plant genetic resources in view of climate change and biodiversity loss (FG)
- Assessment of results-based interventions (TWG 7)’
- Assessment of environment and climate architecture (TWG 10)
Events - Workshop on FSDN (Farm Sustainability Data Network)
- Assessment of carbon farming (Good Practice Workshop)
- Assessment of environmental impacts (Good Practice Workshop)
Publications/Web content - Policy Insights articles
- Good Practice Examples
- Project brochure
- CAP evaluation insights: Climate change
- Study “Rough estimate of the climate change mitigation potential of the CAP Strategic Plans over the 2023-2027 period”
- Study “Quantification of rough estimates of CAP contributions to soil”
Activities related to General Objective 3

Focus on Implementation Focus on Innovation Focus on Evaluation Thematic Work - Gen Z: Leading Generational Renewal in Farming (TG)
- Valuing farmers wider contributions and their role in society (TG)
- Analytical work on assessment of generational renewal
Events - Workshop on ‘Circular bioeconomy – valorisation of forestry by-products and residues’
Publications/Web content - Quarterly LEADER Newsletter
- LEADER Partner Search tool
- Policy Insights articles
- Good practice examples
- CAP evaluation insights: LEADER
- CAP evaluation insights: Generational renewal in the agric. sector and young farmers
- Evaluation support study of the costs and benefits of the LEADER implementation
- Study “Assessment of generational renewal strategies across EU Member States”
Cross-cutting activities
EU CAP Network
- 2 National CAP Networks meetings
- Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards 2024

Focus on Implementation Focus on Innovation Focus on Evaluation Thematic Work - Effective Approaches for Simplification within the CAP (TG)
- Assessment of digitalisation and innovation (TWG 9)
Events - Thematic Seminar
- Seminar on ‘Demonstrations farms’
- Workshop on ‘National Networking for innovation’
- Brokerage event ‘’Partnering for innovation with impact in agriculture and rural areas’
- Ad-hoc national expert meeting
- 3 cross-visits of OGs on animal welfare, water management and pollinators
- Assessing simplification of the CAP for beneficiaries and administrations (Good Practice Workshop)
- Use of simulation models to assess CSP impacts (Good Practice Workshop)
- Netting out of impacts (Good Practice Workshop)
Publications/Web content - Policy Insights articles
- Good practice examples
- Projects Brochure - ARIA
- Catalogue of CAP interventions
- Study on outcomes achieved by EIP-AGRI OG projects
- Study on simplification and administrative burden for farmers
- CAP Evaluation Newsletter
- Learning Portals: Assessment of AKIS, evaluation methods, ex-post evaluation
Upcoming Events
EU CAP Network workshop 'Circular bioeconomy - valorisation of forest by-products'
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
Annual Work Programme 2024 - 2025
(PDF – 23.03 MB)