Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans
The Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans Subgroup (SoCSP) is one of three permanent Subgroups of the European CAP Network’s Assembly along with the Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE) and the Subgroup on LEADER and territorial development (SoLTD).
The Subgroup on CAP Strategic offers a platform to:
- Contribute to improving the quality of the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plans;
- Identify common issues and opportunities in the implementation of various CAP Strategic Plan interventions and needs for EU CAP Network support (capacity building events and other means of support);
- Foster exchange of knowledge and good practices in the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plans;
- Provide input for the work programme of the EU CAP Network, in particular of the CAP Implementation Contact Point;
- Follow up the support provided by the EU CAP Network.

Subgroup meetings
The CAP Strategic Plans subgroup will meet up to two times a year.
An overview of all Subgroup’s meetings, with background documents and presentations, is available here:
- 24 May 2023 (1st Meeting)
- 9 November 2023 (2nd Meeting)
- 17 April 2024 (3rd Meeting)
- 6 November 2024 (4th Meeting)
More information
For more information on the Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans, please contact the European Commission at