Event - Governance meeting
Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans - 4th meeting
The CAP Strategic Plans Subgroup is part of the governance of the European CAP Network.
Organised by EU CAP Network
- English
- Comet-Treffen - Louise - Brussels, Belgium
- In-person
The Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans is part of the governance of the European CAP Network. After the launch of the Network in October 2022, this is the third year of the EU CAP Network’s operation in the 2023-2027 programming period, and this is the fourth meeting of the new Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans. The Subgroup’s focus is thematic work regarding the CAP Strategic Plans implementation.
More information will follow soon!
Additional info
Comet-Treffen - Louise
Platz Stephanie 20 Brussels 1050 Belgium
EU CAP Network
EU CAP Network
Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
EU Institutions
CAP Implementation Contact Point
EU CAP Network