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Report - Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans - 4th meeting

Members of this governance body of the EU CAP Network gathered in Brussels to share policy updates, experiences, and valuable insights on two years of implementation of the CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs).

  • 2023-2027
Group picture of the Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans - 4th meeting

The 4th meeting of the Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans - CSP (November 2024) took place at a particularly pivotal time for EU agriculture and rural policy, with significant developments on the horizon: the nomination of Christophe Hansen as the new EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Food, the publication of the Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU agriculture report, and the ongoing preparation of the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), in which DG AGRI is actively involved. DG AGRI's Antonia Gamez Moreno opened the CSP Subgroup meeting with details on this rich policy context.

DG AGRI representatives provided detailed information about the CAP Simplification Package, a key initiative launched by the European Commission in response to concerns raised by farmers over administrative burdens, unpredictable incomes, and market volatility. The Q&A session following Mr Angelopoulos’ presentation highlighted several important perspectives on the simplification measures, including the potential mental health benefits of reduced administrative burdens, concerns about conditionality adjustments, and the value of having ongoing, informal dialogues within the EU CAP Network.

Participants received updates on recent EU CAP Network activities, including the ARIA - Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards 2024, and findings from recent Thematic Groups. Some members of the Subgroup then presented examples related to the topics of the ongoing thematic groups, and shared how they integrate outcomes from the EU CAP Network activities and exchanges into their work. Examples included an initiative for biodiversity on farmland from Austria, non-productive investments under the Rural Development Programmes in Portugal, a Dutch “Future-Proof Farming" initiative, and LEADER work on youth in Finland.

The subsequent interactive sessions aimed to identify potential topics for the EU CAP Network’s Annual Work Programme around six key topics, including enhancing business resilience, improving water resource management, and fostering multifunctionality in rural areas. Progress made will be discussed at the next Subgroup meeting in March 2025.


EU CAP Network



English language

Report - 4th meeting of Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans

(PDF – 2.49 MB – 4 pages)