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Report - Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans - 3rd meeting

The meeting allowed Subgroup members to review progress on CAP Strategic Plans implementation and simplification efforts (both at European Commission and Member State level), and to discuss insights from EU CAP Network activities.

  • 2023-2027
CAP Strategic Plans Subgroup group picture

The third meeting of the Subgroup on CSP Implementation (SoCSP) had several objectives, namely: delving into the progress of CAP Strategic Plans and simplification efforts at both the European Commission and Member State levels; fostering an exchange of best practices among Member States to alleviate administrative burdens on farmers; discussing updates and insights from EU CAP Network activities; and reflecting on the first year of CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) implementation and exploring opportunities for enhancement.

At the previous SoCSP meeting in November 2023, concerns were raised regarding bureaucratic red tape at both EU and national levels, prompting proactive measures and concrete actions from the Commission. This meeting’s agenda therefore included presentations on these initiatives by DG AGRI, as well as the initial findings of the EU survey conducted by farmers on simplification. Members raised various questions and engaged in conversations with the European Commission, DG AGRI, who emphasised ongoing collaboration with Member States and efforts to address challenges within the CAP framework.

Subgroup members shared best practices from their Member States (Ireland and Finland), highlighting current or future efforts towards simplification. More examples of streamlining processes were shared by members from other countries. The meeting underscored the importance of sharing problems and solutions, increasing the relevance of networking, advisory services, and learning from each other's initiatives.

The meeting included a presentation of the main outcomes of the process for preparing the next Annual Work Programme (AWP) of the EU CAP Network, as well as useful outcomes from the recent Thematic Groups on CAP Implementation - focusing on CSP Monitoring Committees, Design and Implementation of Eco-schemes in the new CSPs, and Nurturing Skills for a Thriving and Sustainable Agricultural Sector. Insights from the TG Supporting the Mental Health of Farmers and Farming Communities and the TG on Green Architecture: designing green strategies were also shared with the audience. Subgroup members were then asked to provide feedback on the ongoing Thematic Groups, so as to gather insights to steer future activities of the Thematic Groups and the broader EU CAP Network.

The day emphasised once again the importance of exchanges among Subgroup members, particularly considering their role in the implementation of the CAP and the feedback that DG AGRI is seeking from those currently involved.


EU CAP Network


English language

Report - Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans - 3rd meeting

(PDF – 2.6 MB – 5 pages)