Latest news
Water efficiency benefits flow from CAP Strategic Plans
Water efficiency is the topic of a new Policy Insights article which highlights how the CAP can help rural Europe use water wisely by better protecting the quality and quantity of EU water reserves.
New CSP Summaries available
As part of its analytical work, the EU CAP Network compiled the CSP Factsheets – user-friendly summaries of the CAP Strategic Plans (CSP) adopted in each Member State.
Youth Reflections on the Young LEADER Forum
Read perspectives from the young delegates from the EU CAP Network's Young LEADER Forum who explain what was most useful about the event and how they are using what they learned at the Forum in June.
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Latest publications
Assessing the contribution of carbon farming to CAP climate objectives
The report summarises the main outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop ‘Assessing the contribution of carbon farming to CAP climate objectives’, organised on 24-25 June 2024 in Nantes, France.
CAP Strategic Plan Factsheet: Cyprus
This factsheet provides summary information and financial data about the CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) of Cyprus. The data and figures presented in this factsheet come from Cyprus’ CSP approved on 02/12/2022.
CAP Strategic Plan Factsheet: Czechia
This factsheet provides summary information and financial data about the CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) of Czechia. The data and figures presented in this factsheet come from Czechia’s CSP approved on 24/11/2022.