Publication - Event Reports |

Report - 2nd meeting of the CAP Strategic Plans Subgroup

The 2nd meeting of the CAP Strategic Plans Subgroup took place in Brussels on 9 November 2023

Tractor going through the countryside

This highlights report summarises the outcomes of the 2nd meeting of the CAP Strategic Plans Subgroup (SoCSP).

The 2nd meeting of the SoCSP aimed to: provide an overview on CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) and explore CSP implementation progress; update members on relevant activities of the EU CAP Network linked to CSP implementation; and consider potential topics or formats for the EU CAP Network activities as a part of the consultation process for the preparation of the Network’s next Annual Work Programme 2024-2025.


English language

EU CAP Network Highlight Report 2nd meeting of the CSP subgroup

(PDF – 689.02 KB – 3 pages)