Event - Governance meeting

CAP Strategic Plans Subgroup - 2nd meeting

The CAP Strategic Plans Subgroup is part of the governance of the European CAP Network.

  • - CET
  • English
  • Auditorium - Brussels, Belgium
  • In-person
CAP Strategic Plans Subgroup

This is the second meeting of the CAP Strategic Plans Subgroup (SoCSP). Members had the opportunity to share information on the progress in the implementation of CSPs at MS level, receive updates and exchange on the work of Thematic groups, and engage in group discussions.


English language

EU CAP Network - CAP Strategic Plans Subgroup - Agenda

(PDF – 170.26 KB)

Additional info



Rue de la Loi 102 Brussels 1000 Belgium

EU logo

Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

EU CAP Network


English language

CAP Strategic Plans Update - Katarzyna Dyja, DG AGRI, European Commission

(PDF – 1.22 MB)