Event - Governance meeting

Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans - 3rd meeting

The CAP Strategic Plans Subgroup is part of the governance of the European CAP Network.

  • - CEST
  • English
  • Auditorium - Brussels, Belgium
  • In-person
CAP Strategic Plans Subgroup group picture

The Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans is part of the governance of the European CAP Network. After the launch of the Network in October 2022, this is the second year of the EU CAP Network’s operation in the 2023-2027 programming period, and this is the third meeting of the new Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans. The Subgroup’s focus is thematic work regarding the CAP Strategic Plans implementation.

The objectives of the 3rd meeting of the Subgroup are:

  • To review progress on CAP Strategic Plans and on simplification efforts both at the European Commission level and the Member State level.
  • To exchange best practices among Member States for reducing the administrative burdens of farmers.
  • To discuss updates and insights from EU CAP Network activities.
  • To reflect on the first year of CAP Strategic Plan implementation, focusing on its impact and to discuss opportunities for enhancement.


English language

Final Agenda – 3rd Meeting of the Subgroup on CAP Strategic Plans

(PDF – 263.89 KB)

Additional info



Rue de la Loi 102 Brussels 1000 Belgium

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Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

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EU CAP Network

EU CAP Network

EU CAP Network


English language

Latest policy developments on simplification – KatarzynaDyja and Petros Angelopoulos, DG AGRI

(PDF – 631.86 KB)

English language

Capacity building and targeting hard to reach farmers - James Claffey, CAP Network Ireland

(PDF – 1.37 MB)

English language

EU CAP Network update – David Lamb, EU CAP Network

(PDF – 308.61 KB)

English language

Thematic group information and insights – Alistair Prior, Cristina Rascon and Alessia Musamarra, EU CAP Network

(PDF – 882.29 KB)