Event - Workshop

Good Practice Workshop: How to assess direct payment interventions in the new CAP

On 9-10 November 2022, the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP organised a Good Practice Workshop on 'How to assess direct payment interventions in the new CAP' in Athens, Greece.

  • CET
  • English


In the last programming period, Pillar 1 direct payment interventions were generally evaluated at EU level. CAP Strategic Plans will see Member States assess all these measures nationally, in the context of the new performance monitoring and evaluation framework (PMEF). This change will require Member States to broaden their range of evaluation approaches to assess how direct payment interventions contributed to the CAP objectives, including the identification of methods, indicators and data sources.

Planning, preparing and conducting evaluations at Member State level will also go beyond the relative ‘routine’ of evaluating rural development type interventions and examine the specifics of direct payment interventions, including the data that will need to be collected on a regular basis. 

The second Good Practice Workshop of the Evaluation Helpdesk was therefore aimed to help prepare Member States for future evaluations of direct payment interventions. The specific objectives were to:

  • Increase the evaluation knowledge of stakeholders involved in direct payment interventions.
  • Exchange practical experiences from past evaluations of direct payment interventions (both EU level and MS level evaluations, where they exist).
  • Provide an opportunity for networking and identification of needs for Managing Authorities and evaluators in relation to methods and data collection when evaluating direct payment interventions.



English language

Assessing direct payments: lessons and criteria, Tassos Haniotis, Retired Director, DG AGRI

(PDF – 143.01 KB)

English language

The new CAP and performance assessment, Sophie Hélaine, DG AGRI

(PDF – 634.48 KB)

English language

Evaluation of the impact of the CAP measures towards the general objective “viable food production”, Carlotta Valli and Simone Severini, Agrosynergie

(PDF – 735.67 KB)

English language

An evaluation of the CAP impact on agri-employment, Montezuma Dumangane, European Commission’s JRC ​

(PDF – 875.12 KB)

English language

Assessing the Impact of CAP direct payments in EU Member States (Croatia and Greece), Dimitris Psaltopoulos, World Bank

(PDF – 1.25 MB)

English language

Evaluation of CAP measures applied to the starch sector, Alice Devot, Agrosynergie

(PDF – 462.92 KB)

English language

Direct Payments in Germany, Frank Offermann, Thünen-Institute of Farm Economics

(PDF – 508.15 KB)

English language

A methodological approach for measuring net-impacts of Basic-and Complementary Income Support for Sustainability interventions using FADN data, Jerzy Michalek, Evaluation Helpdesk

(PDF – 400.48 KB)