

EU forests provide multiple benefits for biodiverse ecosystems and climate resilience, prosperous rural areas and a sustainable forest bioeconomy.

Latest news

Aerial satellite view of cultivated agricultural farming land fields
23 May 2024

Water efficiency benefits flow from CAP Strategic Plans

Water efficiency is the topic of a new Policy Insights article which highlights how the CAP can help rural Europe use water wisely by better protecting the quality and quantity of EU water reserves.

people on the field listening to an explanation
03 May 2024

Inspirational idea: Sustainable bee forest

Operational Group develops a concept for ‘forests of the future’ that can adapt to the changing climatic and ecological conditions thanks to specifically selected tree species.

NN Meeting Denmark
18 Apr 2024

New Good Practice stories published

The website's latest Good Practice stories include an agroecology project, new kindergarten facilities, climate-friendly peat management and a novel approach to food tourism in Austria.

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Latest publications

Organic layer and topsoil of a Vertisol in a spruce forest
Member State Evaluation |

Study on soil erosion impacts and soil management, carbon conservation and carbon sequestration in agriculture and forestry 

The evaluation aims to assess the contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing carbon sequestration, as well as promoting sustainable energy.

Wrapped Round Brown Hay Bales in a Field
Member State Evaluation |

Evaluation of the agri-environment and climate measures of the Lithuanian Rural Development Programme

The aim of the study is to assess Measure 10 on agri-environment and climate for the programming period 2014–2020.

Demonstrating innovations for forestry
Press Articles |

FOREST4EU Thematic Network broadens outreach of Operational Group results

FOREST4U is a Horizon Thematic Network promoting Operational Groups dedicated to forestry and agroforestry.

Latest good practice