Economic Impacts

Economic impacts

Economic impacts mainly relate to the CAP general objective of fostering a smart, competitive, resilient and diversified agricultural sector while ensuring long-term food security.

Latest news

Woman farmer walks through a yellow field of ripe wheat and touches the golden spikelets with her hand at sunset.
03 Jul 2024

New guidelines to effectively assess the impact of CAP income support interventions on farm income 

A Thematic Working Group that involved CAP academic experts for ten months has developed a mix of methods and indicators to support Member States in the assessment of CAP income support.

Austrian rural community
26 Jun 2024

Animating LEADER local development action in rural Austria

LEADER Local Action Groups in Austria benefit from strong cooperation at national level, which is animated through coordinated actions by the country’s National Network and LEADER Forum.

NN Meeting Denmark
18 Apr 2024

New Good Practice stories published

The website's latest Good Practice stories include an agroecology project, new kindergarten facilities, climate-friendly peat management and a novel approach to food tourism in Austria.

Latest publications

Flowers, fruits and vegetable vendors at the Farmer's market in Freiburg, Germany.
Member State Evaluation |

Evaluation of the promotion of investments in the processing and marketing of agricultural products 

The evaluation offers an overview of the challenges and strengths in the agricultural and food sector in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, specifically on competitiveness.

Flowers, fruits and vegetable vendors at the Farmer's market in Freiburg, Germany.
Member State Evaluation |

Evaluation of the promotion of investments in the processing and marketing of agricultural products

The evaluation aims to assess investments in processing and marketing of agricultural products from the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme (RDP) in Hesse, Germany.

view of the countryside in Romania
Member State Evaluation |

Evaluation of the activity results of the Romanian National Rural Development Network in the period of 2016-2020

The report focuses on the Romanian National Rural Development Network (NRDN) and seeks to identify solutions to improve the quality of NRDN activity during the transition period and for the future National CAP Network post 2020.

Latest good practice

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Aria awards badge socio economic fabric of rural areas
Aria awards badge smart competitive agriculture