Economic Impacts

Economic impacts

Economic impacts mainly relate to the CAP general objective of fostering a smart, competitive, resilient and diversified agricultural sector while ensuring long-term food security.

Latest news

NN Meeting Denmark
18 Apr 2024

New Good Practice stories published

The website's latest Good Practice stories include an agroecology project, new kindergarten facilities, climate-friendly peat management and a novel approach to food tourism in Austria.

NN Meeting Denmark
25 Mar 2024

LEADER leads at 3rd National Networks meeting in Denmark

LEADER was a focus for the third National Networks (NN) meeting in Denmark recently with an agenda which also considered outcomes of the NNs’ thematic clusters a year on from their launch.

People holding hands
18 Mar 2024

LEADER has a new home on the EU CAP Network website

The EU CAP Network website now has a dedicated area on LEADER and community-led local development (CLLD). These newly established pages serve as a central hub for all LEADER stakeholders.

Latest publications

view of the countryside in Romania
Member State Evaluation |

Evaluation of the activity results of the Romanian National Rural Development Network in the period of 2016-2020

The report focuses on the Romanian National Rural Development Network (NRDN) and seeks to identify solutions to improve the quality of NRDN activity during the transition period and for the future National CAP Network post 2020.

path in the countryside
Member State Evaluation |

Evaluating the impact of the compensatory allowance in Hessen's Rural Development Programme

The study examines the role of the compensatory allowance measure to preserve permanent grassland and to prevent or mitigate the change to arable land, afforestation or fallow land in Hessen, Germany.

A large greenhouse with rows of plants
Event Reports |

Highlights report - Durability of Investments Workshop

This report and the factsheets on the three breakout groups discussions summarise the outcomes of the EU CAP Network workshop on Durability of Investments. It took place in Brussels, Belgium, on 14 December 2023.

Latest good practice

Aria awards badge socio economic fabric of rural areas
Aria awards badge smart competitive agriculture
Aria awards badge socio economic fabric of rural areas