

Evaluations provide evidence for decision-making and improves the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherene and the EU added value of CAP interventions. They also contribute to improved transparency, learning and accountability.

Latest news

Agriculture manager and farmer meeting, talking and discussing while walking on a farm outside
17 Jul 2024

How to assess generational renewal among European farmers

Zagreb hosted the sixth Good Practice Workshop which provided an insightful platform for learning more about the evaluation of CAP Strategic Plans interventions to support young and new farmers.

Austrian rural community
26 Jun 2024

Animating LEADER local development action in rural Austria

LEADER Local Action Groups in Austria benefit from strong cooperation at national level, which is animated through coordinated actions by the country’s National Network and LEADER Forum.

Panoramic shot of the landscape of the island of Flores
22 May 2024

CAP measures played a major role in supporting the development of outermost regions

The recently published evaluation support study examines the extent to which the POSEI and SAI support schemes enhanced agricultural productivity and diversification.

Latest publications

springtime panorama of the hills of oltrepo pavese, vinery area in italy (lombardy region) at the borders with piedmont and emilia romagna. it's famous for valuables wines, mainly sparkling
Member State Evaluation |

Cross-cutting assessment of the effects of regional programmes in reducing greenhouse gas emissions

The evaluation analyses the contribution of the ESI Funds (ERDF, ESF and EAFRD) in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy.

Cows grazing in a field near Fussen, Bavaria, Germany
Member State Evaluation |

Promotion of extensive grazing through contractual nature conservation

The study analyses funding data in order to better understand the implementation of the contractual nature conservation grazing measure in MEPL III (Rural Development Plan 2014-2020 Baden-Württemberg).

A rural scene in Rutland, UK with cows grazing outside the small hamlet of Whitwell close to Rutland water
Member State Evaluation |

Assessment of the adaptive capacity of Agri-Environment Schemes to respond to the impacts of climate change

The study gathers evidence on whether climate change affects agreement holders' ability to deliver Agri-Environment Scheme (AES) prescriptions and indicators of success, and whether AES is sufficiently flexible to accommodate changes to the natural environment.