Latest news

Much to digest from the 4th agri-food Forum
Many EU CAP Network activities are bringing agri-food chain stakeholders together, creating opportunities for dialogue and better use of CAP tools to improve the way we produce and consume food.

LAGs learn from producer organisations' best practices
Local Action Group representatives attended the EU CAP Network’s 4th meeting of the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain to network with stakeholders involved in local food systems.

LEADER success stories across the CAP
LEADER can co-fund a variety of projects supporting many different CAP objectives and this article shows the scope of LEADER's rural development potential.
Latest publications

EU CAP Network cross-visit ‘Use of agricultural and forestry residues for creating alternative sources of income for farmers and foresters’
This report presents the main results of the EU CAP Network cross-visit ‘Use of agricultural and forestry residues for creating alternative sources of income for farmers and foresters’, which was held on 26 and 27 June 2024 in Vic, Spain.

Highlights report - 4th meeting of the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain
Discussions and thought-provoking presentations at the Forum enabled participants to explore how strategic business relationships, cooperation and the business benefit to producers in the value chain.

Best practices in the agri-food supply chain
The annual Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain was launched in 2021 as one of the actions envisaged by the European Commission under the Farm to Fork strategy, a key part of the European Green Deal.