Food Supply Chain

Food Supply Chain

The food supply chain is composed of a diversity of products, businesses, and markets from farmgate to the end consumer, supported by a regulatory and policy framework.

Latest news

Chief gathering vegetables in a farm
17 Jul 2024

Register now for the 4th Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain

The 4th Farm to Fork Forum, a key annual event for all food supply chain actors in the EU, will focus on how producers can increase returns by actively participating in the value chain.

A modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, including a large oven and a spacious countertop
26 Jun 2024

LEADER creates jobs in Poland from healthy convenience food

Local Action Group support for a Polish businesswoman has helped her to create new jobs by expanding her company’s supply of healthy convenience food that promotes better nutrition.

Austrian rural community
26 Jun 2024

Animating LEADER local development action in rural Austria

LEADER Local Action Groups in Austria benefit from strong cooperation at national level, which is animated through coordinated actions by the country’s National Network and LEADER Forum.

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Latest publications

Vegetables thrown into a landfill, rotting outdoors
Policy Insights |

Policy Insights - Preventing food waste with CAP Strategic Plans

EU actions on reducing food waste risks support global ambitions to create sustainable food systems. Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) funding from the EU countries’ CAP Strategic Plans can help to implement improved ways of preventing food waste.

farmer hands holding grain
Guidelines and tools |

Assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of CAP income support instruments

The guidelines on how to assess CAP income support instruments offer a comprehensive evaluation framework, including judgment criteria and technical guidance for quantitative analyses.

Flowers, fruits and vegetable vendors at the Farmer's market in Freiburg, Germany.
Member State Evaluation |

Evaluation of the promotion of investments in the processing and marketing of agricultural products 

The evaluation offers an overview of the challenges and strengths in the agricultural and food sector in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, specifically on competitiveness.

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