Climate and Climate Change

Climate and Climate Change

Carbon sequestration, reducing emissions and promoting sustainable practices in agriculture, forestry and rural areas can mitigate and help adapt to climate change.

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Exhibition stands
Press release | 14 Jun 2024

500 participants celebrated the achievements of EIP-AGRI Operational Groups

The EU CAP Network Conference ‘EIP-AGRI Operational Groups: Innovation in practice’ brought together 500 participants from across the EU in Estoril, Portugal, to highlight the achievements of Operational Group projects.

Hand of farmer checking soil health
23 May 2024

Soil health: a key agroecology metric for results-orientated payments

Results-based payments protecting soil performance are a recent proposal promoted by EU CAP Network stakeholders for the future of sustainable food and farming systems in Europe.

A group of trees with flowers
23 May 2024

Advancing implementation of the CAP’s green architecture

The Thematic Group on Green Architecture: Designing Green Strategies will meet again in June to advance EU understanding of optimising CAP opportunities from environment and climate funding.

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Two trees in a field with yellow flowers under a clear blue sky
Event Reports |

Highlights report - 2nd meeting of the Thematic Group on Green Architecture: Designing Green Strategies

The second Thematic Group meeting built on topics discussed during two informal discussions, identified key elements for effective green strategies in CAP Strategic Plans, and developed recommendations for implementation.

A field of flowers with trees and blue sky
Factsheets |

Factsheet - Eco-schemes

This factsheet takes stock of Member States’ experiences with eco-schemes in their first year of implementation and some of the lessons learned. It examines the different approaches taken to eco-scheme design and implementation, what was working well, some of the obstacles faced as well as the identification of possible solutions and recommendations.

springtime panorama of the hills of oltrepo pavese, vinery area in italy (lombardy region) at the borders with piedmont and emilia romagna. it's famous for valuables wines, mainly sparkling
Member State Evaluation |

Cross-cutting assessment of the effects of regional programmes in reducing greenhouse gas emissions

The evaluation analyses the contribution of the ESI Funds (ERDF, ESF and EAFRD) in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy.

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