Climate and Climate Change

Climate and Climate Change

Carbon sequestration, reducing emissions and promoting sustainable practices in agriculture, forestry and rural areas can mitigate and help adapt to climate change.

Latest news

NN Meeting Denmark
18 Apr 2024

New Good Practice stories published

The website's latest Good Practice stories include an agroecology project, new kindergarten facilities, climate-friendly peat management and a novel approach to food tourism in Austria.

Biodiversity conservation - wildflower borders along farm fields to support pollinators and other wildlife
17 Apr 2024

A new classification scheme to simplify the complexity of CAP Strategic Plans

The Joint Research Centre has published a classification scheme of farm practices supported by the CAP related to environmental, climate and animal welfare objectives.

Cattle in the moutains
09 Apr 2024

Inspirational idea: showcasing the added value of ecosystem services of farming in mountain areas

‘Value-added mountain farming’ is an Operational Group in Austria developing business models based on ecosystem services to improve the socio-economic and environmental resilience of mountain areas and their communities.

Upcoming events

Latest publications

Wrapped Round Brown Hay Bales in a Field
Member State Evaluation |

Evaluation of the agri-environment and climate measures of the Lithuanian Rural Development Programme

The aim of the study is to assess Measure 10 on agri-environment and climate for the programming period 2014–2020.

A field of flowers with trees and blue sky
Event Reports |

Highlights report - 2nd meeting of the Thematic Group on the Design and Implementation of Eco-schemes in the new CSPs

The second meeting of the Thematic Group (TG) took place on 20 February 2024 and discussed topics that TG members identified as priorities during informal group discussions between meetings. This included exploring the role of eco-schemes in relation to green architecture and recommendations on how to improve the design and uptake of interventions that increase climate and environmental ambition.

Agricultural fields of cereal, vineyards and town of Cirauqui
Member State Evaluation |

Environmental monitoring plan report

The report aims to monitor 35 agri-environmental indicators of the Rural Development Programme (RDP) of the Autonomous Community of Navarre, Spain.

Latest good practice

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