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Award winning rural cooperation projects from LEADER
This year's European LEADER Congress included an ELARD awards ceremony showcasing cooperation projects, which attracted a high-quality collection of LAG entries. Find out more about the winners here.
LAGs learn from producer organisations' best practices
Local Action Group representatives attended the EU CAP Network’s 4th meeting of the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain to network with stakeholders involved in local food systems.
Young LEADER Forum impacts
LAG Manager Matthias Wagner from Germany shares his insights and experiences about using LEADER to help support young people’s rural ambitions in the Leipziger Muldenland LAG territory.
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Latest publications
Highlights report - 1st meeting of the Thematic Group on Gen Z: Leading Generational Renewal in Farming
The meeting focused on how "Generation Z" could shape the future of farming, looking at specific challenges and opportunities faced by young people in agriculture and rural areas.
Evaluation report of the sub-measure 6.1.1 Support for the establishment of young farmers
The evaluation analyses the effects of the support measures for the establishment of young farmers on employment and generational renewal in the agricultural sector.
Impact evaluation of the Rural Development Programme on the competitiveness of agricultural holdings
This final evaluation report examines the relevance of Rural Development Programme (RDP) measures and their effectiveness in improving the competitiveness and performance of Normandy farms in various agricultural sectors.