Latest news
Assessing the climate mitigation potential of CAP Strategic Plans: insights on a new quantitative methodology
A new study has been published offering a first quantified estimation of the CAP interventions' potential contribution to GHG emission reduction and removals. The report focused on 18 Member States, corresponding to 19 CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs). A study covering the EU-27 is planned to be published in the first quarter of 2025.
LEADER success stories across the CAP
LEADER can co-fund a variety of projects supporting many different CAP objectives and this article shows the scope of LEADER's rural development potential.
Inspirational idea: Creating farmland homes for wild bees
The BEESPOKE project set out to increase levels of pollinators using local- and landscape-scale approaches, thereby contributing to the development of sustainable and resilient agroecosystems.
Latest publications
Report - Smart circular farming to address high energy and fertiliser prices
The overarching aim of the seminar was knowledge exchange to find and mainstream innovative solutions to respond to decreasing accessibility and affordability of energy and fertilisers.
Press article - Protecting farmland pollinators
Irish Operational Group promotes actions to support biodiversity within productive farming system.
Agrinnovation Magazine - Issue 9
Innovation, knowledge exchange and EIP-AGRI under the new EU CAP Network.