Farmer working in a field

Social Inclusion

Improving relationships in a community and supporting vulnerable groups is essential for stronger, more connected, prosperous and resilient rural areas, where no one is left behind.

Latest news

NN Meeting Denmark
18 Apr 2024

New Good Practice stories published

The website's latest Good Practice stories include an agroecology project, new kindergarten facilities, climate-friendly peat management and a novel approach to food tourism in Austria.

hands holding cog wheels
25 Mar 2024

Thematic Group expertise informs CSP implementation

Thematic Groups at the EU CAP Network have been supporting CSP Monitoring Committees, eco-schemes and green architecture, as well as agricultural skills and mental health in farming communities.

A large greenhouse with rows of plants
25 Mar 2024

Valuable knowhow appreciated about the durability of investments

Interesting enabling factors supporting the durability of benefits from CAP Strategic Plan funding are featured in a Highlights Report from the EU CAP Network expert workshop analysing investment durability.

Latest publications

Two women throw flowers at the sky in a poppy field
Press Articles |

Press Article - Healthy, tasty and social vegetables

Social farming in Romania creating jobs, reducing waste and providing healthy local produce.

Agrinnovation magazine
Magazines |

Agrinnovation Magazine - Issue 9

Innovation, knowledge exchange and EIP-AGRI under the new EU CAP Network.

A woman looking at a plant on a field with the sun shining in the background
Brochures |

Rural Inspiration Awards 2022 - Projects Brochure

This issue of the EU CAP Network’s Projects Brochure presents the 24 finalists of the Rural Inspiration Awards 2022, on the theme ‘The Future is Youth’.