Socio-economic Impacts

Socio-economic Impacts

Socio-economic impacts are related to the CAP objective of promoting social inclusion and local development in rural areas as well as high-quality, safe and nutritious food produced in a sustainable way.

Latest news

A modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, including a large oven and a spacious countertop
26 Jun 2024

LEADER creates jobs in Poland from healthy convenience food

Local Action Group support for a Polish businesswoman has helped her to create new jobs by expanding her company’s supply of healthy convenience food that promotes better nutrition.

Austrian rural community
26 Jun 2024

Animating LEADER local development action in rural Austria

LEADER Local Action Groups in Austria benefit from strong cooperation at national level, which is animated through coordinated actions by the country’s National Network and LEADER Forum.

Cattle in the moutains
09 Apr 2024

Inspirational idea: showcasing the added value of ecosystem services of farming in mountain areas

‘Value-added mountain farming’ is an Operational Group in Austria developing business models based on ecosystem services to improve the socio-economic and environmental resilience of mountain areas and their communities.

Latest publications

farmer hands holding grain
Guidelines and tools |

Assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of CAP income support instruments

The guidelines on how to assess CAP income support instruments offer a comprehensive evaluation framework, including judgment criteria and technical guidance for quantitative analyses.

Flowers, fruits and vegetable vendors at the Farmer's market in Freiburg, Germany.
Member State Evaluation |

Evaluation of the promotion of investments in the processing and marketing of agricultural products 

The evaluation offers an overview of the challenges and strengths in the agricultural and food sector in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, specifically on competitiveness.

farmer watering sprouts watering can, farmer working field, watering fresh green sprout, agriculture, drip water raindrops agriculture closeup leaf development leg ground ecological love morning
Member State Evaluation |

Contribution of the 2014-2022 RDP in Lower Saxony and Bremen on gender equality

This evaluation report focuses on the contribution of the 2014-2022 Rural Development Programme in Lower Saxony and Bremen to the equality between women and men.

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Latest good practice

aria awards badge environmental protection
Aria awards badge socio economic fabric of rural areas
Aria awards badge smart competitive agriculture