Publication - Guidelines and tools |

Assessing the added value of LEADER

These guidelines provide insights into the operationalisation of LEADER added value and offer non-binding evaluation framework to assess LEADER added value, manifested through improved social capital, enhanced governance, and increased impacts and results of strategy implementation.

  • 2023-2027
  • Socio-economic impacts
Group of happy friends are standing at mountain top

LEADER has been an innovative and essential part of EU rural development policy for over three decades. With each programming period, LEADER has expanded its scope and tools to empower local communities and drive sustainable development. However, effectively assessing its added value has remained an ongoing challenge. To address this, non-binding guidelines have been published to support Member States in evaluating the multidimensional added value of the LEADER approach implemented during the programming period 2023-2027.

The guidelines are the outcomes of the Thematic Working Group (TWG) established in April 2023, aiming to operationalise the concept of the LEADER added value and offer examples of evaluation framework. 

The concept of LEADER added value refers to the benefits derived from proper implementation of the LEADER method, compared to the potential benefits that would have been achieved without it. These benefits are manifested through improved social capital and governance, as well as enhanced results and impacts of programme/strategy implementation.

 The guidelines offer a comprehensive set of options for evaluating the LEADER added value, presenting a list of key elements to assess, along with corresponding evaluation questions and suggested, factors of success. These elements of the evaluation framework are designed to be adaptable, allowing Member States to select and tailor them according to their specific contexts and evaluation needs. 

For each factor of success proposed in the evaluation framework, the reader will find a set of corresponding indicators, along with related data sources that can provide evidence justifying expected success.

Each indicator in the evaluation framework is supported by an indicator fiche (Annex 1 of these guidelines), which includes the definition, aim, unit of measurement, and data sources, along with the suggested time and frequency of data collection. Many indicators utilise the variables / data for monitoring and evaluation (DME) defined in the Annex VII to the Regulation (EU) 2022/1475, collected and reported by all Member States / LAGs. There are also indicators which require the collection of primary data through surveys, focus groups, and interviews. Additionally, indicator fiches also provide methodologies for calculating LEADER added value indicators. 

 The guidelines also include several annexes that provide practical tools and detailed examples to support the evaluation of LEADER added value: 

  • Stand-alone Annex 1: LEADER added value indicator fiches - Detailed descriptions of each indicator, including definitions, aims, units of measurement, and data sources. 
  • Set of Annexes 2 to 8: 
    • Templates and examples to help LAGs set up effective monitoring databases. (Annex 2) 
    • A discussion of various factors that can influence the measurement of LEADER added value. (Annex 3) 
    • Illustration of how LEADER principles translate into added value through various components. (Annex 4) 
    • Expanded evaluation framework providing additional indicators for a more comprehensive evaluation. (Annex 5) 
    • Practical examples demonstrating the application of the evaluation framework. (Annex 6) 
    • Definitions of key terms and concepts used throughout the guidelines. (Annex 7) 
    • A compilation of sources and references used in the guidelines. (Annex 8)


EU CAP Network



English language

Guidelines: Assessing the added value of LEADER

(PDF – 1.31 MB – 53 pages)

Português, Portugal (PDF – 836.45 KB – 56 pages)
English language

Annex 1 fiches for LEADER added value indicators

(PDF – 1.19 MB)

English language

Annexes 2 to 8

(PDF – 932.02 KB)