Latest publications
Guidelines and tools |
Assessing the added value of LEADER
These guidelines provide insights into the operationalisation of LEADER added value and offer non-binding evaluation framework to assess LEADER added value, manifested through improved social capital, enhanced governance, and increased impacts and results of strategy implementation.
Guidelines and tools |
Use of factors of success in evaluation
These guidelines summarise the main outcomes of the Thematic Working Group on the ''Use of factors of success in evaluation'', and can be used by Member States as a basis for tendering and conducting their evaluations under CAP Strategic Plans.
Member State Evaluation |
Effects on water and climate protection: An analysis of operational nutrient comparisons of the Lower Saxony-Bremen 2014-2020 RDP selected land measures
An in-depth evaluation of the Rural Development Programme's (RDP) measures aimed at reducing nutrient surpluses and greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture.