Assessing the Added Value of LEADER
The added value of LEADER refers to the improved social capital, governance, results and impacts following the implementation of a respective programme and/or strategy.
The Thematic Working Group (TWG) on 'Assessing the Added Value of LEADER' had the objective to provide methodological support to EU Member States for the evaluation and demonstration of the added value of LEADER. This TWG built on existing knowledge and experiences, including the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP's guidelines for evaluating LEADER, and experiences from EU Member States.

Coordinated by the Evaluation Helpdesk from April to October 2023, the TWG achieved the following objectives:
- Reviewed the concept of LEADER added value with key stakeholders, exchanged practical experiences and research-based ideas on lessons learned from its assessment;
- Designed examples of evaluation frameworks for LEADER added value in the 2023-2027 programming period;
- Proposed practical examples (with emphasis on evaluation methods and tools) on how LEADER added value can be assessed.
The outcome was a report containing possible evaluation frameworks and examples for the assessment of the added value of LEADER. Enabling EU Member States to better assess and demonstrate the added value of the LEADER approach in terms of social capital, local governance, and enhanced results and impacts of programme and/or strategy implementation.
The workflow of this TWG involved various stakeholders through a series of meetings and working packages, as follows:
- Working Package 1: Launched the TWG, which included a kick-off meeting with TWG experts.
- Working Package 2: Coordinated content development, involving three main tasks:
- Reviewed the LEADER added value concept and practical examples of its assessment;
- Designed example(s) of evaluation frameworks of LEADER added value;
- Proposed practical methodologies for evaluating LEADER added value.
- Working Package 3: Conducted quality control and finalised thematic reports into a final report.
- Working Package 4: Knowledge transfer and dissemination, including the publication and dissemination of the final report occurred.
As part of the TWG, a Stakeholder Board was established to involve stakeholders interested in evaluating LEADER added value. Participation was open to Managing Authorities, evaluators, researchers, LEADER networks, LAGs, EU-level representatives, and other groups, such as NGOs.
Members of the TWG Stakeholder Board were:
- Informed on the TWG’s work and progress.
- Invited to provide feedback on draft documents and participate in meetings with TWG experts.
- Consulted on specific questions or issues.
European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP
Avenue des Arts 46, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 808 10 24