Agricultural & Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA) 2023
- CAP Implementation
- Agricultural Productivity
- CAP Strategic Plans
- Climate and Climate Change
- Environment
- Food Supply Chain
- Forestry
- Generational Renewal
- Jobs, Growth and Equality in Rural Areas
- Long-term Vision for Rural Areas
- Tourism
The EU CAP Network’s new Agricultural & Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA) for 2023 will identify and share good practices in the implementation of the CAP.
Identifying and sharing good practices as to how the CAP is implemented at project level is a positive action. It offers opportunities to inspire peer-learning, facilitate knowledge transfer, encourage the replication of benefits and to build capacity among CAP stakeholders. These are among the factors driving the EU CAP Network’s new Agriculture & Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA).
ARIA23 is designed to expand on the successes of the ENRD’s Rural Inspiration Awards (RIA), a key point that was made during the presentation of ARIA at the 1st National Networks meeting in Croatia. Member State’s national Networks are invited to put forward entries to the awards, which cover the full breadth of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The winners will be announced in December 2023.
The competition guidelines put a strong emphasis on project success stories that support innovation in agriculture and rural areas as well as make a contribution to the CAP environmental and climate change objectives and to an increase in digital usage. ARIA entries are invited from projects financed by the EAGF or EAFRD .

ARIA has four thematic categories in 2023:
- Smart & competitive agriculture: CAP-funded projects that contribute to a smart, competitive, resilient and diversified agricultural sector ensuring long-term food security.
- Environmental protection: CAP-funded projects that strengthen environmental protection, including biodiversity, tackle climate change, demonstrate sustainability and/or contribute to green recovery.
- Socio-economic fabric of rural areas: CAP-funded projects that demonstrate their contribution to strengthening the socio-economic resilience of rural Europe, address social aspects in an innovative manner, show a sustainable approach that advances the benefits of digitalisation in farming and rural communities, contribute to the inclusiveness of rural society and support rural entrepreneurs and businesses.
- Rural stakeholder skills (inspired by 2023 being the European year of skills): CAP-funded projects that showcase lifelong learning, empower people and companies to contribute to green and digital transitions and support innovation and competitiveness.
National Networks will help coordinate entries and a popular vote will be opened later this year for the public to nominate their most inspiring CAP-funded project from the shortlist of ARIA finalists.