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Explore how Member State assess the CAP
This comprehensive resource offers insights into evaluations and findings across Member States. The European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP gathers and analyses CAP-related evaluations from Member States, producing reports, summaries and analytical documents that explore the results of the CAP and the processes surrounding its evaluation. Covering both the 2014-2022 and 2023-2027 programming periods, the portal includes links to Member States’ evaluations and summary reports that track the progress of Rural Development Programmes (RDP) and CAP Strategic Plans’ (CSP) evaluation plans. The 'CAP Evaluation insights' section offers analytical publications highlighting findings from Member States' CAP evaluations on various topics. In addition, links to synthesis reports, such as the 2023-2027 CSP ex-ante synthesis, which offers a broad view based on Member States' evaluations, are provided. Additionally, readers can access links to EU-level assessments and other pertinent publications, making this portal a valuable tool for anyone interested in CAP evaluations’ progress and insights across Europe.
Member States evaluations

Member States conduct evaluations with the help of independent evaluators and research institutes. This section offers an overview of the evaluations identified, gathered and stored by the Evaluation Helpdesk, in relation to the CAP, covering assessments of the Rural Development Programmes (2014–2022) and CAP Strategic Plans (2023–2027).
The overview file contains a comprehensive list of evaluations, categorised by rural development priorities, CAP Specific Objectives, Member State, publication year, type of evaluation and other criteria. Each listed evaluation has a hyperlink to the full reports, along with concise abstracts detailing the measures or interventions evaluated, the methods and data employed, and the main findings.
Database of Member States' evaluations
(XLSX – 477.82 KB)
Out of this list, the Evaluation Helpdesk regularly publishes evaluation reports on the EU CAP Network website. The evaluations are published in their original language and are accompanied by an English summary:
Reporting on the progress in implementing evaluation plans: 2014-2022 RDPs

Since June 2016, Managing Authorities have submitted annual implementation reports (AIRs) on the progress of their Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) to the European Commission. In this section, readers can access summary reports based on an analysis of Chapter 2 of these AIRs, which focuses on the progress in implementing the RDP evaluation plans.
Reporting on the progress in implementing evaluation plans: 2023-27 CAP Strategic Plans

Evaluation plans are significant tools developed by Managing Authorities in Member States that are designed to structure, manage and direct the evaluation of CAP Strategic Plans (2023-2027). They play an essential role in ensuring evaluations are systematically organised and aligned with the objectives of the CAP.
In this section, readers will find an overview of 28 evaluation plans, highlighting the ambitions and strategies of each Member State concerning their CAP Strategic Plan evaluations.
Additionally, reviews of the implementation progress of these evaluation plans will be included in this section, offering further context on how evaluation efforts are advancing across the EU.
Overview of Member States’ evaluation plans for CAP Strategic Plans (2023-2027)
CAP Evaluation Insights

Based on the evaluations and related findings extracted from the collected Member State evaluations and in-depth appraisals, the Evaluation Helpdesk produces a CAP Evaluation Insights report. Each publication has a specific thematic focus and provides a general overview of the evaluations collected related to the topic and an analysis of their findings.
Finally, based on the appraisals undertaken among the selected evaluations, it offers an overview of the common challenges and suggestions on how these can be overcome.
Generational renewal in the agricultural sector and young farmers
CAP Evaluation Insights: climate change
CAP Evaluation Expert Insights - LEADER
CAP Evaluation Expert Insights – Biodiversity
Further use of Member States’ evaluations and reporting

This section combines a collection of studies and reports from evaluations conducted across Member States. Here, readers can explore resources such as the synthesis of ex ante evaluations of the CAP post 2020, which provides a comprehensive synthesis and quality assessment of the ex ante evaluation reports for each of the 28 CAP Strategic Plans.
Synthesis of ex ante evaluations of CAP post 2020
In addition to evaluations conducted by Member States, the European Commission also commissions independent evaluations at the EU level through external contractors. These EU level evaluations are essential for providing evidence-based insights that support decision-making, enhance the effectiveness, utility and efficiency of CAP interventions, and foster greater transparency, learning and accountability.
The reports and findings of these evaluations are listed in the following six categories: farmers and farming; environmental and climatic sustainability; rural areas; research, innovation and technology; products and markets; and regulation and simplification.
Readers interested in these reports can access further information through links to the relevant Commission website.