Impact Evaluation

Impact Evaluation

The assessments that evaluate the effects of a policy or programme against a baseline situation.

Latest news

LEADER added value evaluation workshop
14 Dec 2023

Evaluation workshop: assessing LEADER added value 

LEADER stakeholders from around Europe met in Luxembourg last month to share practices on how to assess LEADER added value.

  • CAP Implementation
  • Evaluation

Latest publications

Report - Assessment of sectoral support within the CAP
Reports |

Assessment of sectoral support within the CAP

The Thematic Report, resulting from a Thematic Working Group which ran in 2024, provides inspiration and ideas for how sectoral support can be evaluated on its own or as part of an assessment of the Specific Objectives and/or evaluation element of the CAP.

  • Evaluation
Bringing the EU to the kitchen table: Evaluation of community-led local development through the LEADER approach
Member State Evaluation |

Bringing the EU to the kitchen table: Evaluation of community-led local development through the LEADER approach

The evaluation's purpose is to increase knowledge about implementing community-led local development through the LEADER method, which is funded by the Swedish Rural Development Programme (RDP).

  • Evaluation
Member State Evaluation |

Generational renewal dynamics in Campania's rural families

The monothematic report analyses generational renewal in rural families in Campania, promoted by the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme of the Campania region.

  • Evaluation