CAP Evaluation Expert Insights - LEADER
Four distinct LEADER evaluations from the 2014-2020 programming period offer helpful insights by assessing the foundational principles and role of the LEADER method in influencing local development.
- Austria, Finland, France, Hungary
- 2014-2022
- Cross-cutting impacts

In this edition of Expert Insights, the appraisal of evaluations from four different Member States offers a synthesised perspective of good practices to improve future LEADER evaluations.
A Finnish evaluation expanded upon the LEADER principles, comparing differences in their application among Local Action Groups (LAGs).
In French Guiana, evaluators sought to determine how LEADER implementation affects local development, looking at how it relates to the bottom-up approach, innovation, cooperation and collective approaches.
Turning to Austria social innovation within LEADER was conceptualised as a transformative action enhancing relations and living conditions through LAGs and LEADER innovation models.
Finally, in Hungary, evaluators assessed LEADER added value and investigated how LEADER projects compare to top-down managed implementations.
All these evaluations employed diverse structures and methodologies.
The European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP found that utilising a combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques, ensuring good categorisation of data, maintaining clarity, constructing a coherent narrative, and acknowledging any potential methodology limitations could enhance evaluators’ ability to conduct future LEADER evaluations.
EU CAP Network supported by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP
CAP Evaluation Expert Insights - LEADER
(PDF – 1015.31 KB – 6 pages)