Publication - Evaluation Expert Insights |

CAP Evaluation Expert Insights – Biodiversity

The first Expert Insights from the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP explores some of the key challenges facing biodiversity evaluations and provides some practical advice to help others overcome them.

CAP Evaluation Expert Insights – Biodiversity

Biodiversity refers to the variety and variability of genetic resources, species and ecosystems. In farmland, evaluating this abundant range of life can be a significant challenge since it must consider how it interacts with a range of agricultural practices and policies, often with limited data available. To help find a path forward, the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP is working with experts to extract best practices from existing Rural Development Programme (RDP) evaluations. In this edition, Professor Dimitris Skuras, an evaluator from Greece with 35 years of experience, appraised six RDP evaluations from five EU Member States during 2014-2020 and identified several steps towards success.

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English language

CAP Evaluation Expert Insights – Biodiversity

(PDF – 711.84 KB)