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CAP Evaluation News - December 2024

Measuring the climate impact of the CAP: evaluations, lessons and future directions

  • 2023-2027
  • Environmental impacts
Winter panoramic landscape

In this edition of CAP Evaluation News, a new quantitative methodology to assess the climate mitigation potential of CAP Strategic Plans (CSP) is presented.

From April 2023 to June 2024, the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP analysed 19 CSPs from 18 Member States and provided this methodology in the study ‘Rough estimate of the climate change mitigation potential of the CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) over the 2023-2027 period’. The 18 Member States represent 92% of the EU utilised agricultural area and 95% of EU GHG emissions from agriculture. In addition to mitigation, the study highlights the role of the CSPs in protecting carbon stocks in soil.

Additionally, this Newsletter contains an interview with Professor Dimitris Skuras, from the University of Patras, Greece, on the general trend observed in Member States' evaluations related to climate change adaption and mitigation from the 2014-2022 programming period. Among these evaluations, gathered in the Evaluation Helpdesk database, eleven underwent a so-called ‘in-depth appraisal’, which means they were scrutinised for their methodological approach and good practices in assessing CAP impacts.

Also in this CAP Evaluation News readers can find an update on the thematic working groups' activities related to the ''Assessment of results-based interventions'', ''Assessment of CAP contributions to sustainable productivity'', and ''Assessment of sectoral support within the CAP''.

In the networking section, the main highlights, namely a peer learning seminar on the selection of evaluators, the development of terms of reference (ToR), and procurement procedures, are all explained. Managing Authorities (MAs) from Czechia, Ireland, Luxembourg and Romania requested the Evaluation Helpdesk to organise a capacity-building event on this topic. Representatives from these four countries shared their current practices, challenges and insights from previous tendering processes.


EU CAP Network



English language

CAP Evaluation News - December 2024

(PDF – 8.38 MB)