Assessment of CAP contributions to sustainable productivity

The overall objective of this Thematic Working Group is to produce guidance on how to assess the CAP’s contribution to sustainable farm productivity, while also considering social and environmental indicators.

The work will result in guidelines addressed to Managing Authorities and evaluators who wish to analyse the choices made by their Member State regarding the contribution of the CAP Strategic Plan’s interventions to farm sustainable productivity.

The guidelines are meant to be a document reference helping to measure farm sustainable productivity, describing existing approaches when assessing the contribution of CAP interventions to farm sustainable productivity, and can in particular be used to reflect on the policy choices from the CAP Strategic Plans.


Hands holding seedlings, Modern agriculture with technology concept

The specific objectives for this Thematic Working Group are:

  • to identify approaches/methods and potential challenges/limitations for empirical assessment of CAP effects on sustainable productivity;
  • to develop hands-on guidelines with practical examples demonstrating how and in which cases to apply the different approaches recommended by the guidelines;
  • to consider how simulation models could be used by Member States for ex-ante assessments of productivity change led by CAP Strategic Plans, based on data from the previous programming period.

Working process

The Thematic Working Group will run from April until December 2024, and it is structured as follows:

  • Working Package 1: Launching of the Thematic Working Group, with preparatory activities including outlining the scope of the guidelines and running the kick-off meeting.
  • Working Package 2: Coordination and content development will cover the identification of methodological approaches for assessing CAP effects on sustainable productivity, and the drafting of the guidelines.
  • Working Package 3: Quality control and finalisation, ensuring the level of quality is consistent before the guidelines are published.
  • Working Package 4: Knowledge transfer, dissemination and publication of the final guidelines.


Wheat grain in a hand after good harvest of successful farmer in a background agricultural machinery combine harvester working on the field

The Thematic Working Group ‘Assessment of CAP contribution to sustainable productivity’ is set up by the EU CAP Network, supported by the Evaluation Helpdesk.

Participation in this Thematic Working Group is by invitation only, and members of the group include evaluation experts, academics, European Commission and Joint Research Centre (JRC) staff, as well as representatives of Member States who have specific interests in sustainable productivity.

As part of the Thematic Working Group, a Sounding Board consultation will be organised to provide written feedback on the draft version of the guidelines. Participants will be Member State representatives in charge of evaluating CAP Strategic Plans, Paying Agency representatives, evaluators, European Commission representatives, other relevant experts, etc.

The European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP maintains the right to keep a balanced representation of Member States during the Sounding Board consultation process.

Get involved!

If you are interested in taking part in the Sounding Board consultation or if you want to be periodically informed about the progress and findings of the Thematic Working Group, please register using the following button.

Register here

For any other questions or queries, please contact the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP at