Good Practice Workshop: How to assess the LEADER added value
The EU CAP Network, with the support of the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP and the Luxembourgish Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development organised the fifth Good Practice Workshop on ‘How to assess the LEADER Added value’ in Luxembourg, Luxembourg on 23 – 24 November 2023. This workshop focused on the role LEADER interventions have played in rural development policy across various programming periods.
Organised by EU CAP Network
- English
- Luxembourg
- In-person

The CAP for the 2023-2027 programming period places emphasis on the added value of LEADER as one of the pivotal topics that Member States should assess. This stems from the CAP Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2021/2115) & Implementing Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2022/1475) highlighting the LEADER added value and its significance in the evaluations of the CAP Strategic Plans.
Building on the guidelines on the evaluation of LEADER/CLLD published in 2017 by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP, this workshop aimed to delve deeper into understanding the benefits accrued through the proper application of the LEADER method. While the guidelines provided a comprehensive concept of the LEADER added value, there were challenges for Member States in operationalising its components for facilitating its evaluation. In order to address this gap, a Thematic Working Group (TWG) has been formed by the Evaluation Helpdesk to provide methodological support to EU Member States for the evaluation and demonstration of the added value of LEADER.
Objectives of the Workshop:
- Increase the knowledge of stakeholders involved in LEADER evaluations.
- Exchange practical experiences from past evaluations of LEADER and its added value, both at LAG (local) and programme (regional or national) levels.
- Provide an opportunity for networking and identification of needs for further support for Managing Authorities, Local Action Groups, CAP networks and evaluators.
Target Audience:
The workshop was targeted to Managing Authorities, Paying Agencies, LAGs, CAP networks, evaluators, and other CAP evaluation stakeholders. Additionally, EU-level evaluation experts and LEADER experts will attend to provide specialised insights on evaluation elements and methodologies pertinent to this topic.
Final Agenda
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Additional info
AGRI experience on evaluating the impact of LEADER - Challenges and lessons learned, Eduardo Serrano Padial, European Commission
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Analysis of the potential of social innovation in the context of LEADER 2014-2020, Robert Lukesch, ÖAR GmbH
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Approach to evaluate 'LEADER added value' within the framework of the Austrian CSP 2023-2027, Christa Rockenbauer-Peirl, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management (BML)
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Assessment of LEADER principles and LEADER added value - the case of Lithuania, Neringa Virsiliene, ESTEP
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Bringing EU to the kitchen tables, Carl Stromberg, Swedish Board of Agriculture
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Evaluation of LEADER approach in Finland (principles & governance), Sari Rannanpaa, Nordeval
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Evaluation support study of the costs and benefits of the implementation of LEADER, Carlotta Valli, Evaluation Helpdesk
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Methodological support to MS for the evaluation of the LEADER added value, Valdis Kudins, Evaluation Helpdesk
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How to access social capital In LEADER (at the LAG level), Elena Pisani, Dep. Territorio e Sistemi Agro-forestarli dell’Università degli Studi di Padova
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Use of data for monitoring and evaluation (DME) to demonstrate the added value of LEADER, Iwona Lisztwan, European Commission
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