4th meeting of the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain
Building on the outcomes of the previous meetings of the Forum, this event explored the various ways in which producers can increase returns by actively participating in the value chain.
Organised by EU CAP Network
- English
- Double Tree by Hilton - Bruxelles, Belgium
- In-person

The EU CAP Network, in cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, organised a fourth session of the ‘Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain’, launched in 2021 as one of the actions envisaged under the Farm to Fork Strategy with the aim of enhancing cooperation between primary producers, improving their position within the food supply chain and increasing market transparency.
Aims of the event
To build on the discussions in previous meetings and explore the various ways in which producers can increase returns through their active participation in the value chain.
The meeting:
- Highlighted how strategic business relationships and cooperation within the value chain can be a win-win for all concerned, particularly for producers; and
- Explored the business benefits to producers of being a partner in value-based food supply chains.
You can find more information about the event in the agenda below.
In case you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at: seminars.implementation@eucapnetwork.eu
Agenda - 4th meeting of the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain
(PDF – 363.55 KB)
Additional info
Double Tree by Hilton
Rue Gineste 3 Bruxelles 1210 Belgium
EU CAP Network
EU Stakeholders
CAP Implementation Contact Point
EU CAP Network
Four editions, one goal! - Elena Garcia Garrido, EU CAP Network
(PDF – 524.96 KB)
EU CAP Network Activities - Elena Garcia Garrido, Bavo Verwimp and Carina Folkeson, EU CAP Network
(PDF – 1.28 MB)
The Food Chain: Broken or Robust? - Tessa Avermaet, KU Leuven
(PDF – 1.56 MB)
Sustainable Value Chains Demand an Understanding of Our Common Social Future - Mark Fillingham, SA Partners
(PDF – 746.41 KB)
Break-out presentation Blue Group - Attila Nagy, Hungarian State Secretariat for Agriculture and Rural Development
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Break-out presentation Green Group - TERESA PÉREZ MILLÁN, Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional Organization
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Break-out presentation Orange Group - SANTIAGO CAMPOS MARTÍNEZ, ASAJA – COPA COGECA
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Break-out presentation Red Group - Jan Willem van der Schans, Advisory Service, Task Force Korte Keten
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