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Highlights report - 2nd Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain

The 2nd meeting of the Forum discussed the transition to a sustainable food system, cooperation along the agri-food supply chain, the role of organic producers and market transparency in the EU.

  • 2023-2027
Carrots and vegetables on a table

The 2nd meeting of the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain led to an exchange of views, ideas and concrete experiences about enhancing cooperation between primary producers, improving their position in the food supply chain, and increasing market transparency, in order to contribute to increased economic, social and environmental sustainability.

The Forum discussed collective actions on sustainability in the agri-food supply chains, with a focus on relevant activities by the CAP Implementation Contact Point, particularly the thematic groups on sustainability agreements and organic supply chains.

Participants then heard about how market transparency can support sustainability within agri-food supply chains and how to improve the position of farmers within the organic agri-food supply chain. Good practices were shared throughout the event and were praised in the closing remarks by DG AGRI as ways for helping the EU to accelerate its transition to a sustainable food system.

Last updated


CAP Implementation Contact Point


English language

Highlights Report: 2nd meeting of the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain

(PDF – 311.26 KB)