Publication - Case Studies |

Thematic Group on Organic Food Supply Chains - Conclusions paper

This is the final output of the EU CAP Network Thematic Group on Strengthening the position of farmers in the Organic Food Supply Chain, which identified ways in which the role of the organic producer in the organic value chain can be strengthened through cooperation.

  • 2023-2027

The Thematic Group (TG) on Strengthening the position of farmers in the Organic Food Supply Chain came together to identify ways in which the role of the organic producer in the organic value chain can be strengthened through cooperation. During the two TG meetings, members took stock of the policy & regulatory framework; identified the key enabling conditions and barriers to strengthen the role of organic producers; discussed policy experiences aimed at growing the organic value chain and identified potential areas of intervention that can support collective actions across the organic value chain and strengthen the role of organic farmers.

This document sets out the Group’s conclusions on and recommendations for strengthening the organic value chain through cooperation. The narrative includes examples to illustrate the points made. This non-exhaustive working document, which expresses the views of the TG members, aims to support policy-makers and all stakeholders involved in designing organic policies.

TG members acknowledged the vital role of the EU in supporting organic production and consumption. Significant opportunities for growth in the organic market at scale are anticipated given EU targets to increase the area under organic production across the EU. To that end, an increased role for the CAP is foreseen in areas such as new entrants, succession, cooperation, processing, promotion, innovation and knowledge exchange as well as payments for conversion/maintenance.

There was a strong consensus that National policies, plans, and programmes such as CAP Strategic Plans, Organic Action Plans, Food Policies, and industry strategies have a crucial role to play in bringing everyone together from across the value chain to ensure there is the capacity and wherewithal to drive change and stimulate actions that will secure growth opportunities for organic production and organic markets. The document includes examples of approaches to Organic Policies by some EU Member States.

Last updated


CAP Implementation Contact Point


English language

TG on Organic Food Supply Chain - Conclusions and Recommendations

(PDF – 190.74 KB)