Strengthening the position of farmers in the Organic Food Supply Chain
There is broad consensus on the key role of organic production and consumption in the transition to a sustainable food system, with the Farm to Fork Strategy including the objective of ‘at least 25% of the EU’s agricultural land under organic farming by 2030 and a significant increase in organic aquaculture'. To achieve this target and to help the organics sector reach its full potential, the Commission has produced an Action Plan for Organic Production in the EU . A key aspect of the action plan is to increase the consumption of organic products and reinforce the value chain, by using three axes to ensure a balanced growth of the sector “boosting consumption while maintaining consumer trust, increasing production, and further improving the sustainability of the sector.”
In this context the CAP Implementation Contact Point is launching a new Thematic Group (TG) on Strengthening the Position of Farmers in the Organic Supply Chain to:
- Explore current approaches to cooperation in the organic value chain e.g. organisational governance and sectoral focus.
- Identify potential areas of intervention (including under the new CAP) that can support collective actions across the organic value chain, e.g. conversion, maintenance, knowledge exchange, innovation, cooperation, young farmers.
- Share good practices that illustrate the success factors for strengthening the role of organic farmers in the value chain.
The TG consists of a small but dedicated cross-section of informed and engaged organic supply chain participants and expertise including producers and consumers representatives who commited to participate in the two meetings and related activities in between the meetings. Please find the list of TG members here.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
You can find useful resources about this theme further down in this page and in our Publications section.
1st meeting of the Thematic Group on Strengthening the position of farmers in the organic food supply chain
- CAP Implementation
2nd meeting of the Thematic Group on Strengthening the position of farmers in the organic food supply chain
- CAP Implementation

Conclusions paper of the EU CAP Network Thematic Group on Organic Food Supply Chain
(PDF – 190.74 KB)
TG Members list
(PDF – 359.23 KB)