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Shining a light on sectoral interventions in the fruit and vegetables sector

Over several decades Europe’s fruit and vegetables sector has shown how successful CAP sectoral support helps from a policy perspective. The knowhow gained in this sector can now be transferred through the CSPs to support other agri-food sectors.

  • 2023-2027
Harvested fresh olives in sacks

As part of providing an economically sustainable and fairer CAP, the CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) implement sectoral interventions to help the positioning of EU farmers. A look at figures from the Member States’ initial set of CSPs shows the range of sectoral interventions available around rural Europe using CAP funds.

CSPs covering 24 EU countries with recognised producer organisations (POs) offer sectoral interventions. Each PO prepares an operational programme (OP) that specifies funding plans for how CSP sectoral interventions will be applied in practice by the PO’s proposed activities. The article provides some practical examples which are also in the EU CAP Network database of good practices.

Lessons learned from good practices in Europe’s fruit and vegetables sector can be applied to use CSP sectoral interventions successfully in other sectors. Sharing and exchanging this knowledge through networking can help boost business profits and improve processes for all POs and producer members involved in CSP sectoral interventions. This helps contribute to key EU and international policy goals for the environment and health. In addition, sectoral interventions in the fruit and vegetables sector are also at the vanguard of promoting agri-food sustainability.

This article looks at all this and provides useful references to better understand this topic and get inspired by existing practical examples.


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Policy Insights - Shining a light on sectoral interventions in the fruit and vegetables sector

(PDF – 5.27 MB – 2 pages)