

In der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik werden soziale, wirtschaftliche und ökologische Ansätze gebündelt, um zu einer nachhaltigen Land- und Forstwirtschaft und lebendigen ländlichen Gebieten in der EU beizutragen.

Latest news

A modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, including a large oven and a spacious countertop
26 Juni 2024

LEADER creates jobs in Poland from healthy convenience food

Local Action Group support for a Polish businesswoman has helped her to create new jobs by expanding her company’s supply of healthy convenience food that promotes better nutrition.

Austrian rural community
26 Juni 2024

Animating LEADER local development action in rural Austria

LEADER Local Action Groups in Austria benefit from strong cooperation at national level, which is animated through coordinated actions by the country’s National Network and LEADER Forum.

Mediterranean countries map
26 Juni 2024

Transnational cooperation links continents through LEADER

Many innovative uses of LEADER support have evolved in Member States, including using transnational cooperation (TNC) funding for macro-level actions linking continents.

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Latest publications

A green field surrounded by trees with a rainbow over it
Policy Insights |

Policy Insights - Mental health policy for EU farmers

The understanding of some of the specific mental health care needs for farmers is increasing across the EU and clear advantages can derive from tailor-made policy approaches to protect the agricultural community’s well-being.

person carries vegetables in greenhouse
Berichte |

Report - EU CAP Network cross-visit ‘Organic farming supply and value chain optimisation’

This report shares successful practices, opportunities and tools identified during the EU CAP Network ‘Organic farming supply and value chain optimisation’ cross-visit.

Cows grazing in a field near Fussen, Bavaria, Germany
Bewertung der Mitgliedstaaten |

Promotion of extensive grazing through contractual nature conservation

The study analyses funding data in order to better understand the implementation of the contractual nature conservation grazing measure in MEPL III (Rural Development Plan 2014-2020 Baden-Württemberg).

Latest good practice

Sunset aerial photo above rows with old plum or pear fruit trees from farm orchards. Photo is taken in the evening in Beuningen, Gelderland, The Netherlands.
The organic and innovative Csoroszlya Farm Logo