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Sustainable farming models in Natura 2000 areas
The study reports on the research project and aims to analyse whether sustainable farming models can be established in Natura 2000 pilot areas that will also enable the achievement of biodiversity conservation objectives.

Report of the 7th Meeting of the Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE)
The seventh meeting of the Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE) was held online on Tuesday 12 November 2024.

Evaluation of Measure 19 (support for local development – LEADER) of the 2014-2022 RDP
The evaluation shows how relevant, coherent, effective and efficient the LEADER programme was among the five Guyanese Local Action Groups (LAGs), over the 2014-2022 Rural Development Programming (RDP) period.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of support allocated to the agricultural sector
The report evaluates the efficiency of state and EU support in Latvia’s agricultural sector from 2015 to 2022, analysing its economic impact across different specialisations.

Evaluation of the implementation of climate change adaptation measures
The report assesses the contribution of climate change adaptation interventions financed by European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds to reduce the threats of climate change in Portugal.

Final report on the Farmland Bird Indicator (FBI) and Common Bird Index
The report focuses on monitoring and recording bird population trends in agricultural areas, which is a prerequisite for calculating the FBI index value for 2021-2022 in Cyprus.

Evaluation of advisory services for sustainable agriculture
The evaluation of the EAFRD funding measure ‘Advisory services for sustainable agriculture’ focuses on the effectiveness of advisory services.

EU CAP Network cross-visit ‘Climate adaptation on the ground - innovative solutions to build farm resilience’
This report presents the main results of the EU CAP Network cross-visit ‘Climate adaptation on the ground - innovative solutions to build farm resilience’, which was held on 26 and 27 June 2024 in Thessaloniki, Greece.

EU CAP Network cross-visit ‘Use of agricultural and forestry residues for creating alternative sources of income for farmers and foresters’
This report presents the main results of the EU CAP Network cross-visit ‘Use of agricultural and forestry residues for creating alternative sources of income for farmers and foresters’, which was held on 26 and 27 June 2024 in Vic, Spain.

Workshop des EU-GAP-Netzwerks „Förderung einer bestäuberfreundlichen Landwirtschaft“
Dieser Bericht präsentiert die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des Workshops des EU-GAP-Netzwerks „Förderung einer bestäuberfreundlichen Landwirtschaft“, der am 18. und 19. Juni 2024 in Ljubljana, Slowenien, stattfand.