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Highlights report - 1st meeting of the Thematic Group on Nurturing Skills for a Thriving and Sustainable Agricultural Sector

The first Thematic Group (TG) meeting allowed members to agree on skill needs and gaps in the agricultural sector, exchange experiences and co-design the next steps of the TG.

Nurturing Skills for a Thriving and Sustainable Agricultural Sector - Thematic Group - 1st Meeting
Young boy and man discussing in a stable with cows

Agricultural economist Andrew Moxey (CAPI CP) set the scene with a presentation based on the background paper prepared ahead of this first TG meeting. He emphasised the evolving demands for agricultural professionals, notably adaptability and key skills such as planning, communication, and lifelong learning alongside technical abilities. He mentioned challenges for the EU's agricultural sector, including labour shortages and skill gaps, as well as specific challenges for family farms.

A lively discussion followed Andrew's presentation and allowed participants to share their insights. There was general agreement on the importance of diversified skills in agriculture, addressing various aspects of the sector, farmers' tasks and challenges along the food supply chain. The following interactive sessions, in the form of parallel groups using the world café methodology, focused respectively on: farm development and diversification, sustainable farming practices, and digital and technological literacy. Outcomes of the discussion are summed up in the Miro boards published on the event page.

A panel of experts selected from the TG members discussed lifelong learning perspectives to support skills development of the agri-food workforce. The panellists underscored the vital role of motivation in shaping the future of agri-food workforce skills development and emphasised the importance of continuous learning, economic incentives, inclusivity, and adaptability to evolving demands from society and the markets.

The outcomes of this first TG meeting provide a useful basis for the second TG meeting.

Last updated


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Nurturing Skills for a Thriving and Sustainable Agricultural Sector - Thematic Group - 1st Meeting

(PDF – 479.29 KB – 2 pages)