Good practices in nurturing agricultural skills
- CAP Implementation
- Jobs, Growth and Equality in Rural Areas
- CAP Strategic Plans
- Agricultural Productivity
A list of initiatives contributing to the development and update of skills among the EU agricultural workforce, collected by the EU CAP Network's Thematic Group on Nurturing Skills for a Thriving and Sustainable Agricultural Sector.
- 2023-2027
This document presents relevant initiatives collected in the EU CAP Network's Thematic Group (TG) on Nurturing Skills for a Thriving and Sustainable Agricultural Sector.
These initiatives were collected through an online survey, which was accessible on the EU CAP Network website from October to December 2023. Answers were collected from TG members, their networks and other EU CAP Network stakeholders. These practices are examples of working in partnership at all levels – from national to EU – with a special attention to EAFRD, Erasmus+ and Horizon funding.
The projects and practices included in the document are funded by the EAFRD, national and regional funds, EU programmes (Erasmus+ and Horizon) and other (or a combination of) funding sources. For each initiative the document offers key information on project leader, funding and duration, key objectives and results (if available), as well as links to learn more.
The document is meant to help interested stakeholders learn more about existing initiatives that are supporting the development and update of skills for the agricultural workforce in Europe and faciliate networking and knowledge sharing.
All the other outputs produced by the Thematic Group are available on the TG page.
EU CAP Network
Good practices in nurturing agricultural skills
(PDF – 377.2 KB)