News | 17 Jul 2024

Register now for the 4th Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain

The 4th Farm to Fork Forum, a key annual event for all food supply chain actors in the EU, will focus on how producers can increase returns by actively participating in the value chain.

Chief gathering vegetables in a farm

Launched in December 2021, the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain is one of the actions envisaged by the European Commission under the Farm to Fork Strategy. The forum aims at enhancing the cooperation between primary producers and other actors, improving the position of farmers within the food supply chain and increasing market transparency. 

The fourth edition of the forum will take place in Brussels on 9 October 2024. All agri-food stakeholders are invited to register via the event page.  


Registrations for the forum are open until 30 August 2024 and selected participants will receive confirmation of their participation as soon as possible after the deadline.

The Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain has become an annual event for all the actors of the agri-food supply chain in Europe. The event is an initiative of the Commission and co-organised by the EU CAP Network, which has been looking at several related topics through its thematic work.

Each edition of the forum builds on the previous discussions, which makes the event an opportunity to take stock of progress and opportunities for adapting strategies.

The first edition of the forum (December 2021) discussed the transition to a sustainable food system and key challenges from the perspective of farmers, producer organisations (POs), retailers as well as Member States and the Commission.

The second edition (November 2022) explored opportunities to further promote cooperation along the agri-food supply chain, approaches to strengthening the role of the producer in the organic value chain, and views on how to support and improve market transparency in the EU's food supply chain.

In November 2023, the forum’s third edition discussed various ways different actors of the agri-food value chain, from producers to consumers, have responded to the cost of living crisis. The event addressed the implications of the green and digital transition on increasing costs and food prices.

Building on all this knowledge, the fourth edition of the forum will explore the various ways in which producers can increase returns by actively participating in the value chain. As for all the EU CAP Network events, a mix of plenary sessions and breakout group discussions will maximise the opportunities for sharing experiences and network with colleagues from other countries.

Food for thought

EU CAP Network’s work on the implementation of the CAP has been looking at topics that relate to – and will feed into – the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain.

Of particular relevance are the previous Thematic Groups on Strengthening the position of farmers in the Organic Food Supply Chain and Sustainability Agreements in the agri-food supply chain.

Some articles in the Policy Insights series look at specific aspects related to the forum’s topics. These include food labelling, ways to strengthen sustainable food systems and preventing food waste. All these articles review recent policy developments and offer guidance to relevant sources, as well as inspiring practices funded by the CAP.

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