News | 23 May 2023

Strengthening sustainable food systems: new Policy Insight

Strategic food policy insights are featured in the latest edition of our short-read, informative web article publications from the CAP Implementation Contact Point.

Strengthening sustainable food systems: new Policy Insight

Strategic food policy insights are featured in the latest edition of our short-read, informative web article publications from the CAP Implementation Contact Point.

Policy insights concerning this wide-ranging food field are provided to help determine how the CAP can be better used for its core purpose of safeguarding EU food supplies. Food sustainability is acknowledged as affecting us all and a pending sustainable food system initiative from the Farm to Fork strategy is being developed by a cross-section of policy expertise taking account of food systems in the 27 EU countries.

A public consultation provided policy makers with evidence-led insights on key points for the new EU sustainable food system initiative. This included recognition that EU food systems must become more sustainable and that greater action is needed at all levels of governance. There was strong support for a harmonised, EU-wide approach and results could rely on increased awareness through knowledge sharing to help accelerate the transition towards more sustainable food systems.

Fundamental to all these points on sustainable food systems is the need to achieve critical mass. The creation of food forums, city and regional food systems, advisory and research services for instance can all be combined with online platforms facilitating networking of related knowledge. Read the full Policy Insight for more information.