News | 16 Dec 2022

Green Architecture: new Policy Insight quick read publication

The term ‘Green Architecture’ refers to the CAP’s collection of environmental support opportunities provided through national CAP Strategic Plans. Our latest Policy Insight publication explores the scope of the CAP’s varied and valuable Green Architecture.

Green EU

Green Architecture is a term that refers to the Common Agricultural Policy’s (CAP) collection of environmental support opportunities provided through the national CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs). These CAP interventions include a mix of voluntary options for farmers, including eco-schemes as well as compulsory environmental and climate requirements for recipients of CAP direct payments. Our latest edition from the EU CAP Network’s Policy Insight publication series explores the scope of the CAP’s varied and valuable Green Architecture.

Policy priorities that are supported by the CAP’s Green Architecture include addressing escalating risks such as: extreme weather conditions; degradation of soil, water, and air quality; as well as loss of pollinators and other biodiversity. Antimicrobial resistance and animal welfare are also within the scope of the CAP’s Green Architecture.

The CAP’s Green Architecture comprises five key characteristics. These are described in the Policy Insight and cover: conditionality, eco-schemes, rural development interventions, producer organisations’ operational programmes and farm advisory services. CSPs coordinate this Green Architecture toolkit to provide synergies across both CAP Pillars as well as with other European Green Deal components.

See the new Policy Insight about this topic and also the newly-published highlights report of the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) Workshop on Implementing the CAP Green Architecture from September.