Green Architecture – Member States’ approaches to designing green strategies in their CAP Strategic Plans
This Factsheet, based on contributions by various stakeholders, reviews examples of how the elements of the Common Agricultural Policy’s "Green architecture" are being utilised by EU Member States in their CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs).
- 2023-2027
The CAP’s Green architecture is the set of interventions for improving the environmental and climate performance of farming, food production, land management, and rural areas. It encompasses the obligations on farmers (via conditionality requirements), and includes various interventions, all of which latter are voluntary for farmers.
The Thematic Group (TG) on Green Architecture provided a wide range of stakeholder groups from 22 Member States with a valuable opportunity to share their experiences on designing and implementing the Green architecture in the CAP. It is clear that there is no “one size fits all”, since interventions are tailored according to particular needs. However, there was no doubt that many issues remain, issues that are impacting on the effective implementation of the Green architecture across the CAP.
This factsheet is based on contributions and exchanges with the members of the EU CAP Network's Thematic Group on Green Architecture. Members provided various examples of how the elements of the CAP Green architecture are being utilised by EU Member States in their CAP Strategic Plans to address their climate and environmental needs. This factsheet is complemented by findings of the analytical work conducted by the EU CAP Network on the different approaches taken in eight selected EU Member States to designing green strategies.
Find more resources about the CAP's green architecture further down on this page and in our publications library.
EU CAP Network
Factsheet – Green Architecture – Member States’ approaches to designing green strategies in their CAP Strategic Plans
(PDF – 592.09 KB – 6 pages)